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Our project is to transform supply chain relationships to improve the lives of people, the environment and communities affected by the fashion industry. 
With the way fashion works today, the risk of polluting the environment, exploiting people and harming animals is very real.


This is due to an outsourced and non-transparent supply chain, located far away in countries that lack governmental control processes.

For decades, many brands and organizations have been trying to improve this reality. Progress has been made, but not enough and it is time to transform the way we work.  

Since many buyers have taken it upon themselves to monitor legal compliance in their subcontracting factories, a tradition has been created where buyers tell suppliers what to do and how to do it. This creates a lack of supplier ownership on issues such as worker rights, environment, circularity and transparency. 

We believe this lack of ownership, combined with a lack of adequate reward systems for leaders, is why we face so many problems in the industry today. 

This is where our purpose comes in and where our programs will help transform the way we work in the fashion industry today, our relationships. 

We want to transform it into a place where we reward good behavior and share ownership of the outcome of sustainability.

Strategy with 360° vision of the CEO and the C-Suite. The TS strategy cannot be the responsibility of a single executive with competence in that area. In our experience, we work with product, finance, compliance, marketing, purchasing, managers, etc. 

Design of a new shared value proposition oriented to all stakeholders and taking into account the risks and impacts identified.


We hope that, sooner rather than later, our services will no longer be needed and that we can all enjoy a clean, responsible and transparent fashion industry. 




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